Saturday, September 28, 2013

Nap, Nap, NAP!!!!

This lady doesn't want to take a nap by herself.
Seriously, who doesn't want to take a nap?
I wish I could take a nap everyday!

She still wants to get held when she falls asleep.
I've been taking a nap with her.
Thank you, Audrey.

It's still hard for me to do blog everyday or once a week.
I really miss those days when I blogged, took pictures of other objects (other than Audrey's pictures) 
and drew ddalki diary.
Oh, well. Talking about those days doesn't change anything and I love spending time with Audrey
but I still do miss those days.

I hope Audrey takes a nap couple times a day(BY HERSELF) soon.
Hope you are having a wonderful day! 

Miss you all :/

Monday, September 23, 2013

Happy Monday!

Here we go again!!

Happy Monday!

Hope you had a great weekend!!!

My weekend was great!

I listened lots of music over the weekend :) 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

8 Week Old Audrey

Guess who turn 8 weeks old yesterday?

That's right! It's me!! :D


Gosh, I'm so old now :p 

Wait, does it mean that I will have to sleep in bassinet??
(Audrey had hard times to sleep in her bassinet so we bought Snuggle Nest 
so she's been sleeping on our bed for 2 or 3 weeks now.)

Friday, September 20, 2013


Happy Fall everybody!
Hope you are having an awesome day!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Audrey's T-shirts :D

Happy Rainy Monday :)
It's been raining all day.
All I wanna do is watching some Korean dramas and movies!
We got the Walking Dead season 3 but watched only 2 episodes so far.
Thanks to Audrey! :p

I got this onesie for Audrey from Buy Buy Baby store last week.

Audrey was not sure about her onesie at first.

She loved it few seconds later :p

 Alex's uncle lives with his in Illinois and they sent us some present for Audrey.
This is my favorite one so far :)

The princess has arrived for sure :D

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sleep, Sleep, SLEEP!!

Happy Satuday!!
I hope you all are having a wonderful day!
The weather has been so nice lately!
I started going for a walk almost everyday with Audrey and my mom.
I wish I could go back to the gym but they don't do childcare under 3 month old babies.
It's ok. I walk almost for 40 - 50 minutes everyday :)

Lots of people tell me to sleep when Audrey sleeps.
Let me tell you. 
Audrey takes a nap no more than 20 or 30 minutes after I feed her.
Sometimes she doesn't sleep LONG at night either.
I hope she takes a LONG nap so I can do ddalki diary, more blog, read books and draw.
When she takes a nap(SHORT ONE), I pump the breast milk, wash the bottles, wash the diapers
and do the laundry.

I really wish that I could do ddalki diary and blog everyday though.
Let's hope that I will be able to do that soon :)

Monday, September 9, 2013

In Old Town Alexandria

Old Town Alexandria is one of my favorite
and also one of my dad's favorite place.
Whenever my parents visit me from Korea, we always go to there.
This year, Audrey was there with us :D

We walked around little bit.

Old Town Alexandria was still beautiful :D

We are Asians(except Alex :p)
and you know how much Asian love taking pictures :p

Thank you, mom and dad, for helping me, Alex and Audrey :)

They love pushing the stroller :)

I finally bought some head bands for Audrey so people would stop asking us
"Is that a boy or a girl?"
Audrey slept almost whole time while we were in Old Town Alexandria :)
Doesn't she look like playing piano? :D

Sleeping Audrey with her awesome grandpa!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Audrey Misses Her Grandpa!

It's been a week since my dad went back to Korea.
He stayed with us almost 50 days.
He was the best babysitter I've ever known.

My parents let me and Alex sleep in the morning 
when we had to stay up late dealing with colicky Audrey.
They went for a walk with Audrey so Audrey could get some fresh air 
while Alex and I were sleeping/relaxing at home.
Having my parents(My mom will stay with me, Alex and Audrey until the end of November :D)
after Audrey was born was so helpful to us.

We almost skype with my dad almost everyday :)
My dad misses us all and we miss him too.
We hope to see each other soon.

Here are some pictures of my dad and Audrey :)

See? Audrey says "Grandpa! I miss you this much! Please come and see me again soon!"

Monday, September 2, 2013

Dealing with a Newborn Baby

My camera and phone are filled with Audrey's pictures!!!
I love taking pictures of her and looking at the pictures :D
It makes me smile!
Raising a baby is harder than I'd expected.
I'm a new mom and Audrey is new to this world.
Sometimes, I get frustrated and even get depressed.
I'm thankful that I get great support from Alex, my parents and my friends!
Thank you so much!

I'm trying to stay positive with dealing with fussy/screaming/crying/colicky baby
but sometimes, it's hard.
I really wish that all the babies come with their own manual.

For example, when Audrey cries and here are some possible reasons.
- She is hungry.
- Her diaper is wet.
- She wants to get held.
- She wants an attention from us.
- She is sick.
- She is uncomfortable.
- She just wants to cry.
I have to figure out why she cries and it sometimes take long for me to find out.
I guess it will get better soon and that's what everybody keeps telling me.

Looking at her pictures make me want to be better mom :)

I can literally hear her screaming by looking at this picture! 

She is so funny when she stretches while she is sleeping :)
Looks like she is dancing :p

Shake it! Shake it!

She is an angel when she is sleeping.
When she is not sleeping and crying, she is just a cranky baby :p

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