Wednesday, July 31, 2013

New Family :D

My hubby and I are loving our new family member, Audrey.
She's 5 days old and all she does is cry, eat, poop and sleep.
My hubby and I don't get to sleep as much as we used to 
but since my parents are staying with us and looking after Audrey, 
we are able to take a nap sometimes.

I still can not believe that I gave birth and Audrey came out of my body.
She is so pretty and precious!

Giving birth was totally new experience for me.
My hubby and I took Bradley Method Class.
That class helps us a lot.
My hubby was the best coach and right next to me when I was in labor.
I will share more details about giving birth later.

I'm taking a break from Blog for couple weeks to get some rest.
Hope you are enjoying your summer.

Here are some of my favorite pictures of Audrey :)


  1. so precious. again, congrats you two! and yes, get some rest. so lovely to have your fam help out while you get rest! xo

  2. OMG, she is adorable. Congratulations!!!!!!!!

  3. she is so adorable. congrats again!! happy parenting!! get lots of rest! :)

  4. so beautiful!! congratulations jane!

    1. Thank you, Lina! I also received your card!!! You are the best!!!


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